Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

Rain Stopped Play

And it did. First off I want to thank all those that commented on The Boss's Christmas Card dilemma. There were some really good points made and I certainly enjoyed the feedback. Change is in the air but tradition has a place still. Wonderful comments.

A grotty Saturday and all playing activities were put on hold. I know The Boss does not consider mowing the lawns as playing but he will abandon that activity very easily and as he had our lounge full of prints to look at for a Southern Camera Club there was really no contest on which he preferred to do, as the prints were sorted and placed all over the floor for viewing and I was positioned carefully behind a closed door. I didn't mind as this was only a step from my under the stairs luxury bed so no contest there either.

There was a trip out to the local market for emergency milk for The Bossess's coffee's... ER... actually Latte's as things can get seriously ugly if there is a supply hitch with that and it was on the way back that The Boss risked a serious soaking by parking in front of this tree and shooting through the windscreen of Suzz. Luckily that worked a treat so our brave, adventurous photographer engaged reverse and drove home breathless with excitement and still wearing his rain jacket which was pretty dry. Sometimes I wonder but then I get tired and just have a lie down instead.
It did stop raining in the afternoon so loyal fans do not fret as there was afternoon delight. A stickathon was held between showers. As I paw this, it is pouring again. Lawns tomorrow the nice weather man says.
Hmmmmm says The Boss.

Get really wet

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