
That this tired old fellow should settle on my hand as I wandered the garden looking for a Blip. My Dr Doolittle vibe seems to be very strong this year.

Thank you all for so many kind comments yesterday. Tony would have been mildly embarrassed and very very happy to be the centre of attention. Then he'd probably have told you one of his very many tales of hilarity.
I don't want to make him seem more than he was. He was simply a very nice man who was ALWAYS happy. Those familiar with the history of my family life will know how precious that was. The number of people who came yesterday, who all commented on how he always smiled showed, I think, what a wonderful thing that is. Something the world needs more of.
There's a fabulous phrase I learnt from blip, one I hold dear:
Chosen Family
I'd have chosen Tony in a heartbeat. Fortunately I didn't have to, lucky me.

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