Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

On the Beach

Oh joy..…I had some time to play..  trying to learn more how to use photomatix for HDR.   I’m afraid I do gravitate towards the more “painterly” approach..  Left the sunspot in…as there was indeed sun today…. still hazy but better…altho nothing like rain,.
We had a lovely, if a bit bumpy, row this morning.. the alden as a single (H) and the whitehall (me)  are quite evenly matched and H is very hard to beat.  (I am the absolutely least competitive person but something about rowing right next to another boat makes me want to race it  :-)  )   There were 6 pairs of Mom/seal pups out there..

All sorts of possibilities for those eroded rocks… (one in my other journal.)

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