twinned with trumpton


50km on the bike; hot work so it was. After a gentle meander around the wider 'hood (never good to see someone getting cut from wreckage, especially in a 30 mph zone....I imagine I'd have been hosed off the tarmac if I'd been in amongst that) before Tollcross and then even further afield. Another stab at the long drag up out of Morningside to Fairmile head and onwards to the depressingly ramshackled Southhouse - wasn't it recently revamped? 
A brisk descent into town; Leith mainly before lunch with her (I say lunch, it consisted of coffee; yip - pay day is still a week and a day away, so using up the free McDonald's vouchers constitutes lunch out this week!)
We planned and plotted and then in finest Bob Dylan style, she went her way and I went mine; homeward via some more Leith stuff. 
Picked the boys up (a long story) and off to hockey; home, back to pick up at hockey, and left over chickne reconstituted as a jacket potato fillign with added sweet corn, tarragon, maple cured bacon and a dash of mayo. I needed it after my 68km on the bike kinda day.

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