Looking for the beauty

By looking4beauty

Day 1 Astir Odysseus Kos

After arriving in the middle of the night, I woke early and was ready to explore after a delicious breakfast. It's a lovely place with an amazing selection of food at all three meals. The rooms are great and the swimming pools are lovely and not too busy. This is not far from the boys' room and is gorgeous. Catching it without any people is a little trickier!
After breakfast Dad phoned with K's GCSE results that he'd picked up from school for him. I was upset that he wouldn't be able to open them at school with his mates but it was lovely to share the moment with him sitting on the balcony. He did amazingly well, No one was more surprised than he was at actually getting a 9 (which is like an A**)!! His other grades were also amazing and he spent the rest of the day on a high. I'm really pleased for him as something clicked about 6 months ago for him and he started working really hard at school. One of the extras shows the moment just after getting his results. Well done K , we're really proud of you. xx

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