Haying Time

Dear Diary,

My grandfather always said that the second haying of the season isn't as good as the first.  That may be true but people still cut the hay in August as well as late June.  This is a little field just a couple miles from my house.  Glad they got it in before our torrential rains yesterday.  

They cut and bale the hay.  My dear friend Dottie said that her father never baled the hay.  She worked with him raking it and loading it into the hay wagons.  Back breaking work in the hot sun.  My family would often go to my Uncle Leopold's farm in late June to help with his haying.  I've added an extra of the hay wagon and truck.  I think it was around 1962.  My brother joined in the operation, I rode the hay bales up the conveyor belt into the loft of the barn, so much fun!  At the end of the work, a dip in the farm pond was enjoyed by all.

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