
By biddy

Cat in the bird bath.

As usual this morning I heard our 16 year old catTiger miaowing noisily downstairs. He wanted his breakfast! He is very deaf. now  The vet said he miaows loudly as a result. Well, that is his opinion. 
    I got up and gave him his food, leaving the kitchen door open for him to wander outside afterwards, whilst I made a cup of tea. It was 6.30a.m. 
I replenished the water in his other dish as normal and off he went into the garden. 
  Only he has the habit of drinking out of every other receptacle out there that he finds containing rain water and uses them instead. That's cats for you!
           I had fortunately cleaned out the old bird bath a couple of days ago. 
I am constantly at war with the wood pigeons who use the larger bird bath, as they just sit in there at times. That one is cleaned regularly! 
A real autumn feel out there this morning. Rain overnight freshened everything and it was very cool. Loads of red apples on the ancient tree at the end of the garden. Much smaller this year but that reflects the two months of hot sunny, extremely dry weather earlier in the season.
      I was amused to see him after he had been in once more to finish his food, that he tried to drink from the bird bath again, but slipped and got very wet! 
      He ran off up towards the summerhouse. He will be back at some point. Another noisy bout of miaows. 

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