Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2018 Wednesday — First Day Back

This was the first day of three in-service days for the faculty.

It started with a 1-hour orientation from our college’s Director of Student Activities. He reminded us of the numerous programs that are available for students and wanted all of us to be aware that when we tell the students these are “free” they really are “pre-paid,” because tax-payers dollars provided all of it.

The next presentation was a 3-hour “Active Shooter” training. This was designed to make us be aware and alert. A team of police did the presentation and actual gunfire was used with blank bullets. It was frightening, but thought provoking and definitely informative.

Then we were served lunch.

Two afternoon sessions were offered 1:30-2:20 and 2:30-3:30. Each hour had two choices. One at 1:30 was “Stop the Bleed,” and the final hour was “Disaster Preparedness.”

In “Stop the Bleed” we were taught three ways to stop bleeding and it was explained that in an active shooter situation lives are lost because people bleed to death.

The day was not boring. I left believing my time had been spent wisely.

From Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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