Playing in the field

Today I haven't had any walks?! All I have done is play in the field. Ann was working at 9am this morning so she got up early to take me for a nice walk. I didn't want to go on a nice walk. I was still sleepy and I didn't want to go for a walk. I walked across the car park in snail mode and Ann said, 'Molly, I haven't got time for this. We will just go in the field.' So that is what we did.

Ann's friends, 'Caroline & Tony are still staying with us, and they went out for a little trek around town before meeting Ann from work. Tony took me for a little walk around the field before they went out.

Ann, Caroline and Tony came home and I was still in 'sleepy mode' so I've just been for another little play in the field.

Mmmmmmm...................... I'm still tired! Fortunately Ann, Caroline & Tony are going out for dinner tonight. It's very exhausting for a 14 year old collie to keep watch over 3 people when she's only used to guarding one???!!!

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