
Not a great photo but I hope you like the story. So it goes like this ...

Mid-morning, Rajesh (a colleague) comes to me and tells me that builders have knocked a hole in the exterior wall of the gents toilets in our department, in readiness for a door leading to an interior courtyard. On quizzing Bob the Builder the response was something along the lines of "Dunno. Perhaps it is an emergency exit"

A few images then flashed through my mind. The first was our department of around 70 staff filing through the gents loos in response to a fire alarm. The second was said staff corralled into an interior courtyard as the flames licked closer and closer. Thirdly, was the vision of the male members of our department taking advantage of this new portal to sip cappuccini in said courtyard, waving at the girls through the window.

A phone call to Facilities established that Bob the Builder had knocked down the wrong wall (it was supposed to be the kitchen). Oh dear! Next week should be fun :(

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