Bench (15)

It's been a pretty shitty week, for one reason and another.

I acknowledge that some motorists are very inconsiderate to cyclists.

But, to the cyclist this morning, who missed knocking Libbie off her scooter on the zebra crossing by an inch, consider yourself very lucky that I did not shout wanker very loudly at you. I mainly did not shout wanker very loudly at you because I did not want to have to explain what a wanker is to small children at 8.30am.

I don't think the excuse that she was scooting too fast over a zebra crossing, whilst you were chatting on your mobile phone, whilst cycling over the zebra crossing, whilst she was crossing, the zebra crossing, a valid one.

Too many crossings?

You should have seen my face.

Happy weekending all.

ps in the newsagents there is a sign that says 'All Dads Army stuff 50% off"

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