The Giraffe's of Longleat

To finish off our long weekend in Bath, we had a trip to Longleat - originally called the Lions of Longleat. I haven't been there since I was very small. Our Shit Mates joined us for the day.

I really had trouble choosing todays blip as there were so many beautiful animals to choose from but I do think the highlight of my day was paying £2 to feed a Giraffe with a stick of leaves!

So in a day I.....
Fed a Giraffe.
Posed with a Penguin.
Was pooped on by a Lorakeet.
Laughed at destruction the monkeys caused on the idiots who chose to drive their cars in Monkey World.
Ate my body weight in pizza and doughnuts.
Stepped in Bat Wee.
Nearly trod on a Meerkat.
Rode a Lion.
Stroked a lizard the size of my arm
and told my shit mate to shut up you moaning old flea bag when it rained then made her wear a monkey mask!

It was a good day.

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