
By ClarissaFox


It's been one of those days!
I took hubbie to hospital at 7am this morning for a scheduled op, he's out of theatre but doesn't want me to pick him up yet. Maybe it's because I told him about someone attempting to steal our washing machine from the garage not realising it was still plumbed in and getting soaked when they broke the back pipe off (Andy the builder said they'd already scarpered with stuff out the skip when he went up to see what was going on); or maybe that the flooring guy who had come to redo the shower room (hub wasn't happy with the first lay) nearly had a breakdown when I told him he'd put the wrong colour down so I decided the other colour would do (it's better actually); or maybe it was the flood in the kitchen - Jeff the plumber had forgotten to reconnect the hot water pipe which has been off since July.

However Jeff redeemed himself by providing us with lovely hot water from this nice new tank and fixing the washing machine but I said I would try it when he comes back tomorrow to fit some radiators, just in case, as it's been one of those days....

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