what a day

The day started cloudy with forecasts of showers so we decided to drive to Harris and walk through a valley in search of golden eagles. As we travelled south we saw a few rain spots but then the weather began to brighten. We over shot our right turn and found ourselves in the ferry port of  Tarbet so we stopped for a coffee as cafes are few and far between on this island. We popped into the Tourist information office and a leaflet suggested another nice beach at the end of the road we were to be on. Lets go there after the eagle watching we thought.
We got back on the road and by now the sun was shining and warm so we cancelled the bird spotting and headed for Huisinis beach. On the way I stopped to chat to a gamekeeper from Amhuinnsuidhe Castle who was sat at the roadside with the stag he had shot at his side (I regret not asking for a photo). It’s been a long walk this morning he said and this thing was heavy. He was waiting for the truck to pick him and his trophy up. We then drove past the front door of the private castle and stopped to look in the shop, they are specialists in meat including venison. Their small shop sold all sorts and had an honesty box. It had 60 pounds in notes and lots of coins in the box, a reassuring confidence in honesty. Off again we were then halted by highland coos on the single track road. At the long sandy beach we just loved the coastal walk across a more rocky area in warm sunshine. On the way home we were just rising on the road away from the bay and I spotted the barn in the main photo. We went back to Tarbet for a lovely meal in the hotel restaurant. We also got a txt from the boat people cancelling a trip we had booked for tomorrow due to poor weather forecast, oh well thats tomorrows problem.
We passed the Callanish III stone circle as the last of the sun hit the stones, see in extras.
What a great day out, we got home 10 hours later and then went out to the beach as the sun sunk below the horizon. What a day !

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