a new Sunday routine

Our big church, about 8 miles up the highway from where we live, has decided to plant a daughter church right in our neighborhood. This is very exciting, because our neighborhood is known for not having (tolerating?) very many churches. To accomodate all the folks (over 6, 000) who attend our big church, we have Saturday night services as well as the traditional Sunday morning ones. So for the past 17 years we have gone to church on Saturday night, and have had a very lazy Sunday. 
This morning the new church in our neighborhood opened, so of course we went. It was quite different to sit in a school auditorium with only about 100 people, but the worship and sermon were as soul refreshing as always.
We came home to a casserole cooking in the oven, partook of a "Sunday dinner," and now feel a nap coming on.
"Peace be with you," says this dove on our back fence.

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