
This afternoon I went for a little walk along the lane. Ann said, 'Molly, we'll go along the lane and if you're all happy and bouncy we will go down the path that leads to the coastal path and you can have a nice run about.'

I wasn't happy and bouncy. I was in 'snail mode' because Ann had woken me up from a snooze and I didn't particularly want to go on a walk. Mmmmm............... the trouble with not having a garden is................... I get made to go out at regular intervals for toileting purposes!

Anyway, we only went to the end of the lane and back, which takes about half an hour. But do you know who we met?................................ We met a man with two dogs and he was feeding them blackberries. They were both sitting ever so nicely while he picked the blackberries and then he threw them and they had to catch them in their mouths.

Ann said, 'I didn't know that dogs liked blackberries. Molly would you like some blackberries. It will count towards your 5 a day!'

To be honest I didn't think that blackberries looked like tasty treats. They certainly didn't smell like meat or cheese. Ann put one in my mouth and do you know what I did?...................... I spit it out. So she tried giving me another couple. But I spit them out too! Why on earth would a dog think that a blackberry is a tasty treat?

…...................I think that dogs that like blackberries are weird. Cheese and meat are my favourite treats!!!

PS – Thanks for all your comments on yesterday's BLIP. As usual, Ann will just 'go with the flow' and see where life takes her?!!!

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