The Return of the Bag O' Fun

My Dear Fellows & Dear Princess,

Today I went to see "The Meg" with Tiger and Joshua. If you know me at all, you know that I LOVE those films belonging to the  "Big Things Eating People" genre.

And here I mean films like Deep Rising and Tremors and Lake Placid which may just be my favourite films ever.

"Oh for eff's sake, not bloody Deep Rising again," Cazza would say.

It took me - I'm not kidding - about a DECADE to persuade her to watch it. 

"That was quite good," she conceded. 

Alcohol is an essential part of the appeal of these films. When we all went to see Lake Placid, for example, I brought along the "Bag O' Fun" full of mini-bottles of wine. And so today I filled it with bourbon & coke, and also Stella Artois because I wanted to be prepared in case the film was rubbish.

I'm like a Boy Scout with a substance abuse problem.

So. The Meg. Let me run through the highlights:

- Big Effing Shark
- Thai version of "Mickey" 
- Jason Statham being WHOOSHED through the water on a big length of wire with shark in hot pursuit
- Jason Statham piloting a tiny submarine through REEFS while being pursued by a SHARK
- Jason Statham saying "Chew on THIS, you (bad word)"
- A, "Hey, why not take a picture with your head in the shark's mouth?" moment.
- A helicopter crash!
- Several actual funny jokes
- Evil Corporate type who you just KNOW is going to get eaten
- Adorable little doggie named "Pippin"*

Tiger and Joshua LOVED it. And I'm telling you this because they are actual non-bonkers people not influenced by me at all, oh all right the alcohol might have helped. We left the film still laughing and recounting our favourite bits.  And have agreed to meet up again in a month or so for "The Predator".

Afterward we went to the ONLY Welsh bar in the Southern Hemisphere! (It says so outside). I actually really liked it, in that it felt like a proper pub. It has a funny layout though. Very long and thin on account of it is located on a traffic island in the middle of the road. "That's because it used to be a public dunny," advised Tiger.

So we drank some more and laughed about the movie some more. It was a good night. I can see me returning to that dunny. 


p.s. We sat through the end credits while Tiger finished his pint. It turns out that "Simon Barker" is an actual person who worked on this film. It's like a sign.

* Animal lovers. You need to know if Pippin makes it, right? Let's just say I came out of this film happy and still singing "Oh Mickey you're so fine".

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