
By MrsPuff


The Fire Service had an Open Day, today, at a house that had been extensively damaged by fire, to see the devastation a fire can cause, and how quickly it can take hold.
It was a very popular event, with people queued out onto the street.
The fire started when a pan on the stove was left unattended.
In the hallway was a burnt teddy bear, which made me feel sad.
When we exited the house, there was some virtual reality googles to put on, where you're in a house on fire, and you have to find your way out.

**Check out the extras for dishy firemen, fire photos, and Mario in virtual reality world!**

After that we went to visit a friend who was working in town, and then we went to the bay, where a commemoration was being held for the people who fought in the Vietnam War.
After the speeches, field guns were fired, and were so loud, and caused such a vibration that it nearly knocked me off my feet! I even felt a blast of air on the side of my face, and I was standing well clear. I was so startled that the photos I took of it came out blurry.

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