Building site's phase 1

Next door at the moment. I have found out that whilst trying to relocate the down drainpipe into the main sewer (It already is they found, I could have told them that if they had asked) they found a water leak, hense the digging out of the channel in the concrete and the blue pipe to repair it, and not A mote as Paula suggested lol. 

 I feel sorry for the couple who will be eventually moving in, when they come this weekend to feed the fish in the pond I hope it's not too much of a shock to the poor girl to find a large channel in the concrete not to mention the hole at each end. She seems a nice young woman and was rather upset last time I spoke to her that when the builders dug out the soil for the garage base they dumped it along the back fence on the flower bed she had been sorting out. 

It's raining tonight so there is a possibility that if the trench fills with water they will have a mote, which reminds me of a camping holiday up in Hawes. We were on a nice site tent camping, lovely grass site.It rained really heavy, we went out for a drink and a meal and when we came back the guy in the next tent had dug a trench round his tent so the water would collect in it and not run into his tent. We left early next morning but I don't think the campsite owner was going to be very pleased with him if the look on her face was anything to go by as she was marching up the field as we left....Ah happy days tent camping.

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