
By Annieone

I’ve Been Missing Blip.....!

And from this shot can you guess why ???
Yes....I’ve broken the radius bone in my right wrist and the break goes into my thumb joint.....!
It’s been an interesting few days and now that I’m getting over the shock I’m depressed and frustrated that I will be unable to do much for awhile...but probably most thankful that it wasn’t worse!!!
Tuesday started out very nicely...was out with my neighbor for a late birthday treat..she dropped me home and I went on a cleaning spree....and while climbing on my 2 step stool, stepped backwards and fell from the height, landing on my backside and flinging out my right arm to save myself. Luckily I didn’t hit my head! But I did hear the crack!! Mel came flying when she heard me shout but t I managed to get up, grab my phone and keys and get down to my neighbor that I’d been out with...she is a retired nurse....knew I’d done damage and brought me to our local hospital A & E where I spent say it was like casualty war-zone is not an understatement!!! In the end I think I was only seen because she actually found someone she knew when she worked there....I have private medical insurance but this doesn’t matter in our unfit for purpose crazy hospital is a disgrace beyond words but I will be having “words” with our “privileged ‘ politicians who haven’t a clue what goes on in our emergency rooms.....I was tired sore hungry and thirsty and sitting in a tiny ante room in the A& E with about 8 other sick people, where no one had asked were we ok or gave us anything to eat or drink in hours...medical people did com occasionally and call someone but that didn’t mean that they were way and in my case the doctors were awaiting a phone call from the orthopedic team in our Centre Of Excellence Hosp. in Tallaght Co. Dublin where my x-rays had been sent......eventually I could take no more of it and signed myself out (badly with my left hand) at 1.30am on Weds morning-and left.....the Dublin Hosp phoned at 6.30am with an appt to see them yesterday (Thursday) morning at the clinic and cast ..more x-rays but thankfully no operation....
4 weeks wait and then apparently!! I see what’s next!
It has helped to write it down...!
Annie x

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