Early up

Early up this morning as the light grew from the east. This is view from the bathroom window to Borgo and La Verna on the distant mountain. Had another bash at  a wasp's nest under one of the olive trees. Hate to do it but its a bad year for wasps and people around have been hospitalised by yellow jackets and hornets.

Hoeing and stone collecting around the new brassica plants. Watered the 200 leeks I've planted as a mini heatwave threatens. Picked the haricot beans so we can pod them and dry them in the last strong sun. Chickpea yield looking a bit thin after mouse depredations. Lots of tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers. Last of the potatoes to lift.

The land constantly calls for attention and the porcupine has made a new way under the fence. But we battle on. The dogs in the valley seem to sense the coming of the hunting season. The night is filled with the plangent calling of the soft-voiced cicadas.

That's me caught up after a few days.(Extra of the early sun on the stone terraces).

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