Bee Happy....!

By OC65

Underneath the beech tree

I went for my usual lunchtime walk around Winchester Cathedral today armed with my SLR. Two people stopped me to say that I should have been out yesterday as the Gingko tree had looked spectacular against the blue sky. It was nice to be able to tell them that I had been there and had taken a shot! I didn't admit to the fact that as of yesterday I had no idea what sort of tree it was but now know thanks to my blipfriends.

One lady also told me that you should never have 2 Gingko trees together as apparently it creates the most awful smell at a particular time of year. There is indeed another Gingko tree about 2o feet away so I shall be on the alert for the pong!

Today was overcast and dull but I stood underneath the beech tree (which is rapidly losing its leaves doffy) and liked the colour of the beech leaves against the oh no it's another tree I can't identify yellow leaves behind.

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