Moody pooch

I had a good morning at work; busy, but very manageable. 

Then home to do a spot of vege shopping and to take Abe for a walk at the Wetlands. There, he met a rather beautiful 5-month-old Border Collie, called Stella. They played and they played and had a good old time. There was a bit of blood when a couple of Abe's baby teeth let go, but that didn't worry them, or us. We continued our walk with decorum, thanks to Stella who had worn him out!

He posed for me in the sunshine for a little while after his walk, before zonking out.

I picked up Little Miss from school and took her for a hair cut. Leah braided her hair at the end, which pleased Little Miss no end, and looks rather fancy!

Leftover risotto for dinner and then blissful sleep.


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