1392. Flower Friday with a twist!
I thought I’d do something slightly different for Flower Friday today....I, busy playing my iPad game Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp and there’s a flower challenge going in for the next few days ....so here’s a selection of the flowers I’ve collected!
Had a bit of a weird experience on FB yesterday so I’ve decided to deactivate my FB account once I’ve finished with the AYWMC course in December as I think I’ve just about had enough of people posting stuff they wouldn’t normally say to people face to face...it’s a strange phenomenon that people can do this so publicly without thinking about the impact on the person reading it...it seems to me like it’s standing out in the street shouting your opinions to all and sundry....I simply don’t get it...plus it’s starting to affect me personally so I think it would help me immensely if I just didn’t see stuff at all. I think that’s the danger of social media...but with it comes a darker side that just feels not quite right to me just now...it is a shame because without these posts that make me feel uncomfortable I enjoy keeping up with friends and family.
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