But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave


I cut the grass today, the idea was to create a better setting for Blipping the baby rats. Since they are quite trusting, I thought that it would be good to get down to their level without too much grass blocking the view. They had been here this morning before the deed was done, but that was before the bird food had run out. So now we are sans birds as well, not even a blackbird to pull up the worms.

Scouring the garden for an alternative, I came across this harvestman resting up on the Echinops. These chappies are often called “daddy-long-legs,” a name that is reserved for crane flies where I come from, Although they're arachnids, as are spiders, they don't have the spider's waist, or multiple pairs of eyes, and are more closely related to scorpions than to spiders.

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