Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid


Today started very quiet, apart from the rain pounding on the decking. There was lots of it. It really pours here!

I had a morning in doing chores etc. I could have gone to the little cafe that has newly opened onsite but didn't want to get wet. By the time it stopped raining and I ventured out for T@3, the cafe had closed! Not sure what the deal is, but there are no two days when the opening time is the same, apart from Monday and Tuesday's when it is CLOSED!

T@3 was good, but Margaret wasn't there, so I called in on her to see how she is. She'd had a busy day trying to get her car  MOT'd. There was a bit of running around involved, so she was quite shattered. I suggested going out for something to eat, so we ended up at this very smart looking pub in Wonersh - established in 1590 no less. I've noticed it for several years, so it was good to finally go in and check it out. We shared a Mediterranean platter. They do tabbouleh very differently over here. It looked so different, I nearly asked the waiter if they'd forgot to put it on the plate!

Later in the evening, the time finally came to head to Heathrow to pick G up. She is finally back with her tiny pink suitcase! The biggest news of the day though is the passing of Aretha Franklin. SO SAD. I would have loved to have seen her in concert.

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