Meet Chickens

I felt shattered this morning when I staggered across the field in my PJs to let the chickens out! I had the forethought to feed the greedy ponies before hand to avoid a repeat of yesterdays horse vs chickens drama! That turned out to be a fail as well because by the time I had let the chooks out and fed the alpacas, the horses had finished so they then made a bee line for the alpaca food so I had to be imaginative with the various farm gates then wait in the Rain while the alpacas finished eating before I could go back to bed!!

Then work this afternoon was a bit of a Busmans holiday..... at a farm.... with alpacas.... and ponies..... and geese.... in the Rain!!! It was cold which really affected my shoulder so my half hour treatment this evening turned into an hour but it really helped

Daughter Number 1 came back to the Farm to start dinner and Mr W has arrived for the night ready for our weekend away in Bath. I shall be leaving the feeding of the 5000 in the very capable hands of DN1. She's really looking forward to the challenge!!

So here are the chooks. Very well behaved chooks and very food focused so easy to manoeuvre!! Thank God!!! Notice my Avengers brolley! It was all I could find when the heavens opened the chooks needed putting Away before work!

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