Tussock. ME!!!

A bit of an off day. It rained a bit but The Boss had his photo group coffee and spent the afternoon turning a file of 2340 images into 762 in the first cut of building a book about a holiday in 2005 that  was the biggest one they had ever done. I was not around then and they had a Golden Retreiver called Maggie May ( yeh I know Blame Rod Stewart) and he has been putting this book off ‘Cos it will be the biggest project but a start is a start so I guess that’s good. Back then the iPad had just got  invented and one of the shots he found today was a big add on a building in Union Square SanFrancisco. Heady days indeed. The extra tonight is also from his iPhone looking over the Marina into town.
SanFrancisco was the place where we had our second “Apple” experience as we had this windows laptop and were having a really bad time on wifi with it. We went into The Apple store to ask about wifi coverage around town and to our complete amazement an Apple bloke took our windows laptop, cleared a spot for it on a bench, set it up  for wifi and got a chair for the Bossess.  Customer service at this level had not arrived in NZ but it was not forgotten.
One of the walkers on Monday offered me an Apple (core) but The Boss vetoed any away from home food as he said it would be a bad example.....
So my Apple experience was NOT good.

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