An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Official Birthday Portrait...

Today my boy is 22.  I can't quite believe it (I think I say that on Alan's birthday every year! :-)) and I can't quite believe it's a year since his 21st, which in turn means it's almost a year since we got Lola.  It's all quite unbelievable!

The day started fairly leisurely.  Alan was finally up and dressed just after 11am.  We wished him a Happy Birthday and he opened his card and pressies from us.  

I had my camera to hand and I bribed asked him for a birthday portrait.  To my surprise he responded immediately in the affirmative and I took this shot and that was my lot!  If you're not fast, you're last in this house when it comes to taking a photo of Alan!

At 1.00PM Grandpa and Norma arrived for lunch and to wish Alan Happy Birthday.  He was very happy to see them.  I managed to sneak through and get some photos (one in extra.)

After lunch we all relaxed and caught up with what's been happening.  It's a few weeks since we've seen them so lots to tell.  At 5pm we all disappeared upstairs and reappeared in our swimwear (very fetching!  lol) as the main excitement of the day was a birthday swim with Alan.  

Alan was already at the side of the pool when we went in and was very excited to have not only Jordan and Christine, but Grandpa, Norma, mum and dad in the pool too.  What a fantastic time we had.  Music blaring, pool games, much splashing, much screaming and much laughter!  We were in the pool for an hour and a half!  I think we will all sleep well tonight.

Once out the pool and showered and dressed, John and Norma spent some more time with Alan before heading home.  David and I ended up getting a Chinese takeaway for tea.

A really lovely, low key birthday for Alan, which is just how he likes it.  He hasn't opened the rest of his gifts yet.  Hopefully tomorrow.

Now I need to get my head back into organising Sunday's pool party!  Food ordering almost complete, now need to think about seating, drinks and shower towels for everyone!

Alan my sweetheart, THIS is for you.  Thank you for the pool dance :-)) xxx

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