I nipped into town before work again, as I decided to swap the waterproof coat I got on Saturday, for a slightly longer one.  The new was also in the sale and reduced from £110 to £45.  I was undecided at the weekend, and hadn't worn it, so there wasn't a problem.  Anyway, on my way back to the car park I passed this street art which I saw the other day - it's very much like a Banksy, but isn't, and there was a second one on the same building which I've added to my extras.

After my hectic day at work yesterday, it's been the opposite today and I've not had much to do - I'd much rather be busy!  At lunch time I went to have my nails done ready for my weekend away, and then I went to stock up on cold relief medication as I woke up with a cold this morning.  Perfect timing!

When I got home, I made chilli and rice which we had quite early as it was Alan's night for his shooting club, and then I went in the hot tub for a bit before starting my packing.  We're only going for three nights, but I just can't travel light, and it's took me ages to sort out what I'm taking.  Anyway, it's done and I've had a shower so I'm all set for the morning.  Alan's dropping me off at the bus stop at 8.30am and I'm meeting Chrissy at the station about 9am.

As I'm going away with Chrissy, I don't intend to spend much time on my phone over the next few days, although I will post my blips, but I doubt I'll get chance to comment until I get home. 

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