The subject - NO.
The quality - NO.
The fact that, within the county, there are two Garden centres (More that 2 of course, but not for my purposes.)
One is delighted if you take photos and quite happy for you to put them on line and give them a plug; it's all "air-time".
The other will be down on you like a ton of bricks if they see a camera; you'd think they were a top secret bunker somewhere.
The other amazing thing is that I got away with this shot of Eucomis before I was reminded of their attitude by "one of us".
I tend to take a shot of anything I want to look up on return home; it's vastly easier/faster than carrying a notebook and pen.
In fact, having just sited them on the map, they are so secretive that "Maidenhead Aquatics" and "A world in miniature Museum", both on the same site are there to be seen; but NO mention of garden centre.
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