Two Snipe
Spent today at RSPB Blacktoft Sands near Goole.
Quite grey and misty in the morning, which is when I took these photos.
Couldn't decide on which one to blip, so joined the two together. Not as clear as I would have liked, but they were quite far off.
As usual my camera .. even my new one... dwarfed by most of the others in the hide, with HUGE lenses!!
After lunch the sun came out, and although 1.30 pm was very low in the sky.
The golden light however lit up the reeds round the lagoons, and we had a wonderful view of a Marsh Harrier gliding, and swooping over the marshes.
The sun catching the underneath of the wings as it did so.
Also Lots of lapwings flying up and down, and the sun again catching the bright white feathers under the wings.
In the distance, we could see thousands of golden plovers, rising up and down,and swirling around, as if in time to music. Dancing in the sunlight.
Also about were teal, gadwall,wigeon, a couple of swans, a flock of redwings,robins,blackbirds,tree sparrows, phesants, flocks of geese,(pinkfoot and brent) In their lovely V formations, and lots of very fat wood pigeons!
Ended up driving home with the sun setting. Lovely end to a very enjoyable day out.
Not much luck with my little Lumix. 3 shops visited yesterday. All said it would have to go back to Panasonic. Cost between £80 and £150 ! They just don't want to know!
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