Old Town, Paphos

I needed to do some shopping for a friend's birthday today, so made sure I got to the old town in Paphos nice and early, before they shut for their somewhat exaggerated 1 - 3.30pm lunch (how much do these people eat?). I quite like shopping in the old town, I like the little dusty roads and the old architecture. I even got beeped at by a boy man in a van today - it really is like stepping back in time! I saw a lot of these little moped things as I walked around today, I don't think I've noticed them before, and I quite liked the old building this one was parked up against. If you go large you can see an "I heart Keo" sign in the window. I refers to the Cypriot beer, although actually Keo make everything from juices to wines, spirits and they even bottle water. Just about everything alcoholic of theirs gives me an almost instant blinding headache, and a quick look on Wiki tells me they are looking at expanding into Europe soon... so keep your eyes peeled and don't say I didn't warn you!

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