Meet Nigel

I woke up early to the sound of cockerels crowing then had trouble getting back to sleep knowing I had lots to do before work!!!

Anyway, I managed it all with time to spare to make breakfast for Mr W before he went home.

After work in the morning, I popped back to the farm for my lunch break where I met Daughter Number 1 who helped with the feeding of the 500 and boy did we nail it compared to yesterday! We had all the animals eating out of the right bowl and all the animals where they should have been but I was having so much fun I forgot to go back to work so I was a bit late!

Work was then cancelled at the destination so DN1 and I got back to the farm earlier than planned and carried on playing with the animals once we had finished reports and emails. She groomed the horses while I picked up dog poo, watered the plants and chased Jasper around the garden with my flip flop in his mouth . Guess I drew the short straw!

Then when DN1 left, Mr W came over to swap cars. He wants to take mine to work tomorrow as he's doing more miles than me. I was nice to see him even for half an hour. 

So, off to bed tonight - just me and Jasper who will be panting at the bottom of the bed. I'm just not used to sleeping with dogs (take that as you may!) but I'm sure I'll get used to it and actually quite like it!

So here is Nigel. His mate who we call Heavy Head Nigel is in the back ground. DN1 is drying to tame him! He's a rescue Alpaca. And who shall I introduce you to tomorrow??? The choice is .....Ponies, geese, Chickens, a Runner Duck, pigs, a cat or the sheep???

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