I spent a good proportion of the day on my back under the caravan. Our last trip out showed up a slight problem with one of the drainage pipes. As you might imagine there isn't much space under a caravan, so quite a while was spent jacking and blocking it up. Then lowering the draw bar making as much space underneath as possible.
Once started on the real job things went surprisingly smoothly. I now have the problem sorted and all working as it should. Not to mention a crick in the neck. Lying on your back and lifting your head to see the work isn't to be recommended as a relaxation technique.
In the evening Clickychick was going for a run, so as usual I drove her as far as the tip (sorry recycling centre). Then she runs home. This gate way is along the way back and something about it caught my eye today. I don't know what drew my eye to it but it is the blip for today.
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