The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog


Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Mini Princesses and I went to see Mary Doll and Victor for lunch. Mary Doll has just had Victor redecorating their bedroom. She loves redecorating. Or, more accurately, she loves getting Victor to redecorate. Every room in her house is repainted every 2 years and she is constantly thinking up new ways to drive Victor nuts improve her home. A few years ago, she wanted a conservatory. Then they HAD to have an ensuite as the bathroom window is next to the front door and ‘What if the postie sees me in the shower?’. A couple of years later, she decided that she NEEDED a kitchen diner, so they knocked down a wall (sacrificing a double bedroom) to give them this space. Victor really really didn’t want to do this but was nagged to death talked round.

Their recent redecorating experience proved difficult. According to Mary Doll, this was because they had to carry their double mattress through to the single bedroom. For one whole night. You can imagine the hardship. No human should have to endure that.

So Mary Doll has decided that this issue needs to be resolved...

By knocking down the conservatory and building an extension!

Victor is not a happy man!


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