Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Casing the Joint

It rained and I hid in my sewing room, trying to make enough space for the blow-up bed which TM and I will be sleeping on when No 1 son and family and daughter and family are here at the same time at the end of the month.  
It's the only way I can think of to fit us all in.  And it has the advantage of being above the garage, which is separate from the house, so we won't have to get up at the ungodly hour favoured by the grandchildren.

I was looking around for a subject for  the Mono Monday challenge as I vacuumed up the spiders' webs - they seem very busy at the moment. These giant scissors were dancing from a hook right in my line of sight. 

Apparently the screw that holds the blades together is  called a joint.  How fortunate, they can be today's blip!

I got them from the makers in a little workshop in Sheffield a few years ago. Through a glass partition I could see men at benches assembling them and sharpening and polishing them.  If they ever go blunt I can take them back and they will sharpen them for me.  Just like in the olden days....

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