Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK

World Elephant Day

Another animal I really like … that is in trouble... I have lots in Seattle but only this one Indian Elephant that was a gift for the garden here.       Used another of the PS actions I’m playing with   (SquickerArt) internet refused to play the video that shows how to tweak this one so here it is as is.    (the real picture in extra)    Do think they are fun and have arty possibilities…just gotta have time to play.  So bear with me…I want to have one of each of the 5 to look at on Blip and hopefully I'll eventually figure out how best to do it,    

A nice row pretty early today, some chores, FaceTime with our one family that leaves for Europe tomorrow,  and getting ready to trek back to Seattle tomorrow for just a few days.  Also finished the Blurb blip #8 book finally!…(so I was thinking of how the pictures might look next to each other.,…)…

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