Clean Slate

By cleanslate


So we do often sometimes play some weird games.

One of them is called “Jean”

No.2 son pretends to be a home help character, (called Jean - in case you weren’t keeping up there at the back). I have to ring her up and ask for her “help” and no.2 son arrives triumphantly and makes a massive mess everywhere.

What’s not to like??

With dishwasher still seriously malfunctioning, I called in Jean. She valiantly put on apron and dived in to the washing up bowl but after a little while swirling dirt around various bowls and numerous “you missed a bit” from me, No.2 son sighed, wearily and announced, “Even Jean gets tired sometimes you know” and trotted off to the trampoline, announcing over his shoulder, “That’ll be fifty pounds! Only joking, just twenty!”

Er, cheque’s in the post Jean :-D

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