Life from city to village

By Gibbsangie

People Watching

So I took the extra this morning, when driving back from church, and I realised that there were hay bales in one of the fields. It was cloudy, not long before it started raining, so not a great sky, but still good to take. 

In the afternoon I went into the city centre with my youngest, so he could look at second hand films and I could get my glasses fixed. While we were there, we saw this guy, sat patiently on a bench. Who on earth buys a rake in a city centre? Wouldn't you go to a garden centre? 

I found taking shots of people, even in a busy town centre, isn't always easy. What if people get annoyed by it?  This was taken by aiming the camera elsewhere, and then suddenly switching for a surreptitious shot. 

There were a lot of very dressed up people in the city centre today. There was clearly something on in the arena. Lots of blokes in expensive suits, and some families, dressed in finery. No idea what though, and the website hasn't revealed anything more. 

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