It's a Bit of a Monster

By SinkOrSwim


Got back from Maiviken, and had some spare time to watch the elly colony out front, it was all kicking off!

The big beachmaster was having it with some of his harem, then this challenger male swimming about offshore came up and started growling at the beachmaster. The beachmaster gave chase immediately, and the challenger was off swimming down the beach, avoiding a fight.
Mean while on the beach, while the beachmaster was swimming after the challenger, a sub-adult male (which I was sitting beside) snuck into harem and started mating with one of the females. When the beachmaster turned back after chasing the other male, he let out a huge growl at this, the sub-adult was off the female like a shot and back on the edge of the colony. This photo is of the beachmaster coming back and giving the sub-adult a little reminder of who's boss.

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