Its the Way It Is

By Jeano


Squashman invited me to play a mixed doubles tennis match against some friends of his as a guest at their club. Squashman is relatively new to tennis but is very enthusiastic. He would be graded Class 6 as he is a novice, my grading is at Class 4 but the opposing lady and gentleman are Class 3 players.

Well we beat them in 3 sets in a rip roaringly great match. As we approached the net at the end to shake hands, Squashman leapt over the net he was so delighted. (This is something you do when you are 19 ha!).

We then had a tasty lunch in the dining room. (The ladies changing rooms were bigger than my home club’s whole clubhouse). I had a lovely morning.

My blip is of my own homegrown tomatoes. I will be having an omelette for tea, as follows:

Heat some oil on the pan
Cut the tomatoes in thin slices.
Chop up a bunch of scallions and fry them and tomatoes on the pan. (Tip- just use one half of pan)
Gently beat 3 large free range eggs (from the local community farm hens) and pour over full surface of pan.
Fold over cooked egg on top of part with tomatoes and scallions and let that cook - then fold it over again to heat other side and then onto plate.

(This recipe is failsafe)

I then intend to watch my number 8 of my most fave 10 films ‘Everything is Illuminated’ with the cool Elijah Wood.

Enjoy your evening everyone

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