A Peter Pandemic

I started the day with a 22 kilometers run in the 36 degrees heat and I felt fine, so that was a great way to begin. No tooth pain either.

This evening we all had a fantastic time at our traditional Disney On Ice show. I think this is the seventh one we've been to and for me this was the most fun. As usual, we chose to go on the special day when the audience are allowed to attend in costume (and we get a complimentary gift for doing so.) Valerie went dressed as Princess and Jasmine and Arthur went dressed as Jack Sparrow. Only Kazuko never wore a costume.

Immediately after taking the photograph in the main blip, the lady in the first extra asked if she could take a photograph of me with her and her son. After that, two more people asked if they could take a photograph with me. I was happy to oblige.

When we sat down in the arena, I saw a lady in the front row wearing a beautiful Rapunzel costume. I asked her if she would mind me taking a photograph with her. She was very happy to do so. Again, immediately after taking this photograph in the extras, a mother asked if she could have a photograph with me and Rapunzel. And then another mother and child did the same. And then another. And then another. Pretty soon there was a line of about twenty mothers with their children in various Disney costumes all waiting in line to have their photograph taken with me and Rapunzel. I think Rapunzel enjoyed all the attention as much as I did and we had a wonderful time hamming it up for our "fans."

When I went back to my seat, a lady sitting in the aisle across from us came over and showed us a photograph of me in my Peter Pan costume taken with her in the lobby of Osaka-jo Hall at the Disney On Ice show from three years ago. She asked if she could have another photograph with me so I happily obliged. You guessed it, as soon as we had finished taking our photographs, there was another line of guests waiting to have their photographs taken with us. Ham time again. What a blast!

Anyway, besides all the fun with the Disney papparazzi,  the show was also fantastic. The highlight for me was definitely the Tangled segment with Rapunzel and Flynn spinning twenty feet above the ice rink holding onto yellow sheets representing Rapunzel's hair, and also Ariel doing the same while holding onto a rope spun from the ground by Prince Eric. It was also nice to see Moana, Maui and Princess Tiana represented for the first time at Disney On Ice.

Looking forward to next year's show already, happy to return to that wonderful Land Of Make Believe.

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