
My Dear Fellows & Dear Princess,

Today I took Cazza to see "Mission: Impossible - Fallout". She really liked it, I wasn't quite so bothered. Don't get me wrong, I like big dumb action movies, but there is a bit in this film in which a group of people RACE to a destination where they believe a bomb has been planted. 

When they get there, they bump into someone they know. 

Funnily enough, their first reaction is NOT, "Hey! There's a big bomb! Ruuuuuun!!" But instead they stop to have a bit of a chat and a catch-up. 

It is like, "Oh, the bomb is still important and all, but hey, how've you been doing? And how's your mum? And are your piles still giving you gyp?"

"Pull yer bloody finger out!" I wanted to shout.

But, in other news, things go BOOM and spies fire GUNS. And people do that whole kung-foo thing and hit each other with THINGS. So I wasn't too critical about it.

Also, Cazza loves Tom Cruise movies. She has loved him ever since "Risky Business". She also loves the fact he does his own stunts. There are actually LOTS of heart-stopping "holy sh*t" moments in Mishimposs Fallout. 

"It's SUCH a shame he's a d*ck in real life," sighed Cazza.

Afterward, we went for a nice long walk along the harbour front. 



You are NOT imagining things! Me and Cazza! Walking! With our actual LEGS!

Look, I'm as surprised as you are. The other freaky-weird thing that happened is that she forgot to bring her phone with her, which is like me leaving my willy behind in my spare pants. It JUST DOESN'T HAPPEN.

So she wanted to take lots of Insta-Facebook-Selfy pictures all along the harbour and had to borrow my phone instead. Because it is one of those flash phones with fingerprint recognition, she kept having to borrow my finger the whole time. Our conversation was like:

CAZZA: This is just so beautiful, such pretty light tonight FINGER
ME: Here you go.
CAZZA: It's like we are on holiday but we really live here FINGER
ME: There you are
CAZZA: Maybe we should stop for FINGER drinks somewhere?

She actually took loads of great pictures. Cazza is way more talented and artistic than me and really should be blipping. However, she's an Insta-chick so instead I shall take some of the pictures off my phone and share them with you in the extras.

Now we are home and just re-watched "Spectre". Say what you like about James Bond, he doesn't stop to chat when there's a bomb to be defused. Bloody Tom Cruise.


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