Sapphire Blue Peacock

'S' is for Sapphire! ;-)

This beauty was snapped by C&R sr at 'Camp Discovery' where they were with the new school prefects for 2013. I can't decide whether the sapphire blue body or the beautiful tail feathers are the most impressive!?

I just had to share this one with you, my dear children brought back way over 2000 photos, I will choose backblips tomorrow, just too tired now and I must sleep now, must get up at 04:00 again tomorrow, in order to be on time for #3 chemo therapy session at 06:00 in Pretoria!

Will tell you all about C&R sr's 3 day camp with the prefects for next year as soon as we are back home after tomorrow's chemo!

Thank you for all your prayers and support!


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