
My friend Josie and I went for a trip to my favorite meadow this morning, it was overcast and rain threatened, but we still managed to see lots of butterflies, including clouds of 'whites', which on closer inspection proved to be a mixture of Large whites, Small whites and Green-veined whites - which was interesting.
Sadly, after an hour or so it started to spit with rain in a more threatening manner so we decided to head back to the car before we got soaked! On the way back I managed to accidentally knock this Humming-bird Hawk moth Macroglossum stellatarum off a flower head, and it fell onto the path looking totally lifeless. Luckily when I picked it up to take a photograph (or two) the warmth of my hand revived it, and it started to wake up, then vibrate it's wings and finally fly off quite happily.
So today's blip has to be the Humming-bird hawk moth as it started to recover sitting quietly on my hand. I have added a shot of his little face in extras.

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