My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Are you feeling Christmassy?

Even though I spent a couple of hours here at the Ideal Home Christmas Show at Earls Court today, the Christmas spirit hasn't arrived yet. It was very busy so Mum and I only managed a couple of hours with lots of breaks.

Went here as I was in the vicinity at the Royal Marsden Hospital at the Pain Clinic and acupuncturist this morning. Went well.

Had some good news yesterday. Went back to King's College Hospital for the results of the MRI scan I had in September. Good news is that the bit of the tumour the surgeon couldn't remove in March is not detectable without a microscope on the scan. We are very relieved.

More scans to follow... Monitoring the surgical site around the C8 nerve root in one year, but before that we need to check my lumbar spinal area to check out what's going on with the occasional numbness in my toes.

Been a hospitally couple of days... I do love sitting in waiting rooms!! (Not really!)

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