
By FredthePenquin

Lest we Forget

Once we had decided where to go today, there was no problem with today's subject, other than which one to choose.

I'll put the others on later, but this is a good start.

The Airborne Cemetery at Arnhem is a moving place - I've no family connections to those who gave their lives here but the battle was the first which, at the age of 10, stoked my interest in military history.

Much later, visiting for the first time with my wife and sons, I came across the story of the Grohert brothers - twins who died within hours of each other during the battle. As a father of twins myself, one of whom shares a Christian name with one of the soldiers, the site and the battle took on more significance.

The nearby museum is always worth a visit, currently they have an exhibition showing the five Victoria Crosses awarded during the battle together for the first time.

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