Cunningsburgh Show 2018

The sun has been shining all day long, the odd cloud passing over now and again.  Lovely and warm evening too.

I've had to cover holidays at the Croft House Museum.  It was a really quiet morning, and a big rush minutes before lunch.  The afternoon flew by, I was really busy.  A fairly lazy evening about the house, and then off to work in the pub later. 

Another year and another show.  With the fine day the show has been packed again, a great turn out from all over.  Some great entries in all sections.  I arrived early this year, on my way to work, and got to catch some of the animals arriving.  While the ponies were being groomed and getting ready for judging, the cows started to arrive.  This is a lovely looking cow, hope she won a prize.  Taken at the Cunningsburgh Show.  

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