Sophie & Her Latest Friend

We took Sophie to the Glenda Spooner Farm, a World Horse Welfare centre this morning. It's only about 20 minutes away but we didn't know it existed until last Wednesday when we saw their stall at the children's play day.

The organisation rescues abandoned or mistreated horses, rehabilitating and renominates them where possible. Admission to the centre is free and, apart from meeting the horses, there were a couple of nature walks.

Sophie was particularly taken with this little pony and he was more than happy to take the grass she was offering. She's been a bit nervous in the past of getting too close to animals, especially if they're bigger than her, but since one of Kate's friends got a puppy who Sophie's got to know well, she's got a lot braver and even had a go at grooming another horse today. We ended up spending most of the day there.

I've been able to move more freely today but, as my back was still very stiff and achy, we thought we'd leave the nature walks for another day.

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